10 consejos para llegar a la cima

Jill Whalen presento en su newsletter los 10 consejos para llegar a la cima en el mundo SEO.

Estos son:

1. Do not purchase a new domain unless you have to.
2. Optimize your site for your target audience, not for the search engines.
3. Research your keyword phrases extensively.
4. Design and categorize your site architecture and navigation based on your keyword research.
5. Program your site to be «crawler-friendly.»
6. Label your internal text links and clickable image alt attributes (aka alt tags) as clearly and descriptively as possible.
7. Write compelling copy for the key pages of your site based on your chosen keyword phrases and your target market’s needs, and make sure it’s copy that the search engines can «see.»
8. Incorporate your keyword phrases into each page’s unique Title tag.
9. Make sure your site is «link-worthy.»
10. Don’t be married to any one keyword phrase or worried too much about rankings.

Especialmente el punto numero 10, parece ser el mas sabio 🙂

Un comentario en “10 consejos para llegar a la cima

  1. Vaya Max… esta vez no voy a traducir.

    Ya verás cuando haya mas gente leyendo tu blog, recordaras estas palabras:

    «Por favor, traduce al español!»


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